Tuesday, June 30, 2009

yesterday when BM, no cikgu yusof..haha...at first so happy de...but later the new teacher, Angus(if i don spell wrong) came to our class, adn he said, he will be our BM teacher ganti cikgu yusof....huh...don wan la....heiyer...then tat Angus called us to introduce ourself... then he ask for our ambition also...when its my turn, i really donno wan to say wat lo, my ambition all very ganjil de, like victarinarion, 心理医生...see... how i tell him woh, later he also donno wat i'm talking about....then i said donno to him.. actually i hv ask a gil tat beside my, Lyiana to think a job for me, ask her wat ambition is more suitable for me.. but she said, "pramugari la" wat!! oh men...how can owh... i cant be a peamugari la, i think... pramugari must hv a nice face, body, and height de....i think i cant lo...but she said me can wah...haha....

when turn Mohammad, he said he wants to be an engineer, then Azlin talled him, he be a PENJUAL TEMPEN better, hahaha...i cant imagine how Mohammad sell his tempen." Tempen Tempen, Tempen Mohammad! buy 1 free 1, very cheap, very cheap!~" haha....the Soon is the 1st one introduce herself, she said," cita-cita saya ialah menjadi seekor..." "hahhahaha....SEEKOR!" laugh Alfazul loudly....

This was our class, noicy, and noughty... haha...


  1. hi hi ...
    nice 2 meet u ...
    but meet u in blog la ... haha !!!
    yr class is so fun ...
    write more abt yr class , i will always " peng chang " ...


  2. Hi^^..anything wanna tell me??..chat by using comment la..k?

  3. ah!!!! how come? how come many ppl follow my blog liao? actually, i not really wan tell other i hv blog de lo....haiz....charlie..., i think i can tell de, but i scare kong scold me lo.....
