Wednesday, November 25, 2009

its gonna to be change...

well well... i doent think tat time is as the life brief candle...
pass slowly? no way!
its just looks like opening school yesterday, but its already holiday now...
but the important thing is the XRISMAS IS COMING SOON!!
what the... its too fast...
i just go for decorate the xrismas tree, all for the xrimas day in church today...
the tree tat i made with auntie hv been placed at the front door!! hehe....
the tree had tied a lot of ribbon, and hv some expensive jingle-bell~~
but its take a lot of time to complete it...
me and auntie start making the tree, and decorate the tree at 9.30a.m ,but we complete it at 3.29p.m.
but, i've back to my 舅婆's house at 11.45 for taking my lunch...but those auntie and others still making the tree....sorry auntie, i'm getting rest, hehe...
whatever, I LIKE XRISMAS!!
but last year i doesnt here when xrismas...
and this year will be the same....damn==
but, i still like xrismas^^
this few time, Alice hv teach me to play the keyboard...
but my keyboard the second day i buy alr rosak!!the sound so bad...worst....
so i'hv go to the church practice, continue our lesson...
but finally....i found tat too SHORT!!
WHAT!!! mama!! how come my finger so short?
oh lord, can u make my finger longer? so i can play the piano well,can? please.....@@

these was my holiday, is it colourful? erm...i think yes^^ because I LIKE XRISMAS
the time is pass day by day, the day i leave is near and near....

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