Thursday, January 7, 2010

my new year post....

well... actually i shall write this post at 01st January 2010,
and because Jacqueline is lazy, then this post is writen at 8th January 2010....
well, its such a good day, wasn't it?

ok...lets talk bout my passed holiday..
my holiday is at kk during 28 november till 28 december...
my grandpa had gv me a wallet tat he say is a hat....=="
then i put it on my head,,,err,,, is tat my head too big or the hat is too small? grandpa said:" i say it looks like a hat, but it doesnt use to wear!!"
okok...thankx gong gong~~ ^^
he likes me, i like him too ^^

when 25th december, its Xrismas!!
then we celebrate with bbq~~
my hotdog"
ok...laugh at me~~
but my sateh looks nice ^^
i eat a lot of my mom's creation...
hoho~~ quite nice
after tat, i just go upstair and take my bath...
y not? bbq is so smookly and oily ...i must get a bath...
when i'm bathing, singing, playing in the bath room, the r singing xrismas song at dowstair...=="
my mom keep on blaming me for my apsent for the "concert"

then 27th December is my grandpa birthday...
and we hv invite a lot of his ex-worker to celebrate his party
my grandpa looks happy tat day...
he talk with his all frens...
and i'hv found tat, all was boys...=="
well...and the conclusion i made is, its doesnt hv any handsome guy there...=="

i'hv go shopping with jean too~~
at 1 borneo...
she's likes to buy those bra more i think =="
all bra she go taouch...and place it on her body
or picit them ==" wat the...

and this was my holiday...
then i gonna talk bout my status in opening school

mostly all of my teacher hv change!!
sejarah change to teacher comment for her...
math change into Sir Ahmad Yaya...
he's teaching us like class khas...=="
down sindrum...TT
he teach very slow...qiute boring...
keep on talkng kembang kembang... its nothing funny, k?
and our science teacher change to teacher Lau ... she's some scary...TT malay teacher is teahcer suhaidi...if i doesnt forgot her name ...
she's quite small...^^
and art is teacher donno wat name...tat tall tall tat....
he said:" ur class really special, not same as other class. other class will make me sakit kerongkong, but ur class make me sakit pipi..."
tu lah!! laugh a lot...beligood
but all teacher change just english teacher and geografi teacher doesnt change TT
my English teacher...haiz...
Jacqueline, ur english paper 1 is weak u must get more exercise!!

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